This is my first time using this place. I hope it's the right place.
I use a different method to register users. Users register with a special script. He/she has the role of customer. No problem so far.
The problem is that users do not receive any emails.
For example, "Subscriptions and Mentions": "Enable User Mentions": If this option is enabled, users will receive email notifications when someone uses the user's @nickname in posts.
This is checked but the user will not receive email notifications.
Another example post reply. For example, user A created a topic and user B wrote a reply to that topic. User A also subscribes to this topic but still does not receive an email.
I don't know why this could be. E-mail works normally. There is no problem. For example, admin receives all kinds of emails.
Additionally I enabled debugging. There are no errors.
I guess the email is not triggered at all for users. Is there a different setting?
Please check point mentioned in this support topic:
Problem is solved.
Thank you. Maybe it helps someone else.
The problem is that the posts are subject to admin approval. E-mail will not be sent even after admin approves it. In order for the e-mail to be delivered, the post must be approved when sent. So there should be no control.
The following question helped me: Link