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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] receiving spam user how to dısable bio and websıte url

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ı have received  so much spam how to remove members' bio & url websıte  & sıgnıture sectıon 

here u can see all spammers over 400 wıthın a few days  



also want to remove social media accounts 

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Hi @selinahub,

Here is how to delete spam users:


In addition, try to find some antispam plugins for more protection. I'd recommend Akismet, it's well integrated with wpForo. I think there is not a good free protection solution. You should spend some small money on antispam services to protect your website, so the small fee for the Akismet worth it for sure.

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Abusers should be blocked BEFORE logging in. This is the best way. Using a security plugin.

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nobody knows who is the new user, so there is no way to correctly block spammers before login. Forum administrators will not spend tons of time to approve or filter each registered users before let them know to login. So this is something impossible. The only way is having a very large DB of current forum spammers and detect them quickly.

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Posted by: @robert


nobody knows who is the new user, so there is no way to correctly block spammers before login. Forum administrators will not spend tons of time to approve or filter each registered users before let them know to login. So this is something impossible. The only way is having a very large DB of current forum spammers and detect them quickly.

Of cource you do know who is the new user/visitor.

By his IP even before make an account or after he has given his EMAIL. There are a lot of security plugins that check both. For example you can block users from TOR, you can do whatever you like with security plugins.

Also tones of spam as the poster said, never comes from real people but from bots. Bots also are handled by security plugins.

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Yes, but all these you should do yourself. People don't like to send lots of time on each user registration. There might be dozens and hundreds of new registered users, so filtering them manually will be a nightmare. We can use automatic spam filtering tools, which should work with current way of user registration as well. I believe Aksimet paid plans should work fine. If you know better spam filter services, you can list them here. We'll add them in the FAQ topic.

Again, we'll start to work on form spam filtering service which will get information from all wpForo forums and don't allow the same spammer post spam posts in other wpForo forums. The centralized spam protection is the best automatic spam filtering way.

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ı do have aksimet plugging

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Akismet is abysmal. One of the boards I manage is having much better results with the free version of this The board only uses the StopForumSpam and Project Honeypot checkers in the plugin settings. So far the results are very encouraging.


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Just make sure you have a paid plan. the free plan doesn't work well.

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Posted by: @robert

People don't like to send lots of time on each user registration.

To them I would say they should forget being a forum admin then. You are in a permanent arms race against the hordes of internet a-holes. You have to be proactive or else you will get over run in a blink of an eye. This I have learned in over 20 years of running forums on various platforms. There is no kicking back and relaxing with this, it requires constant monitoring and tracking and vetting. Vetting; put a simple question on your registration forum that pertains to the niche theme your forum is about or make filling in their general location (state, province, county - which means you need the ability to record or track their IP address); bad actors will lie in those answers every single time. If you do not care about your site reputation and SERPs then by all means, don't spend lots of time on a forums' most important asset namely, your member base.

Various security systems and plugins do help (some more than others) but not single one of them is the silver bullet that will miraculously stop all bad actors. The best I have used and continue to use is ZB Block, but it's not a plugin, it's a standalone system on your server and it's for advanced admins only because there is near endless ability to finetune the settings but one wrong move and you could block every visitor. However, although it does work very well on WP sites it is not finely honed for the Wordpress registered member system - yet. That said, when a new rogue system comes online it's dead easy to block their entire ASN. And it does have a trouble ticket system for those occasional false positives. 

I have yet to meet a single Wordpress security plugin that is bulletproof, most are really poor at the job. Zerospam is promising because they incorporated some of what ZBB can do and has a very active developer community so it should get better over time.

Again, we'll start to work on form spam filtering service which will get information from all wpForo forums and don't allow the same spammer post spam posts in other wpForo forums. The centralized spam protection is the best automatic spam filtering way.

The most comprehensive database of forum spammers is Stop Forum Spam (proactive forum Admins contribute to this resource daily), you would do a lot worse than incorporating a check against their API for spammers in your mooted centralized checking system.


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@verek ZB Block has been replaced by CIDRAM generic script and CIDRAM WP plugin. This is what we use (jn WP and non WP sites) and we have very little issues and not only for spam.

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It's not been replaced by CIDRAM, they are complimentary and can actually work together. CIDRAM is comparatively limited in what to can do compared to ZBB.

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Posted by: @verek


It's not been replaced by CIDRAM, they are complimentary and can actually work together. CIDRAM is comparatively limited in what to can do compared to ZBB.

But ZB Block is not been developed any more for years now ... abandoned by the owner.


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Yes it was abandoned but a new team took it over a few years ago and it continues to be developed. CIDRAM's (Maikuolan on ZBB) lead is one of them.

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Posted by: @verek


Yes it was abandoned but a new team took it over a few years ago and it continues to be developed. CIDRAM's (Maikuolan on ZBB) lead is one of them.

Not a good solution in 2022.

The good solution, a little bit on the technical side, is




Both WP plugins (CIDRAM is more like an interface) or a generic script.

This is what we use server-wide for 4 years now. Never had an issue. CIDRAM blocks all the "noise", spammers, bots, attacks, scrapers.

An other plugin could be Worldfence to replace both, but it is heavy and works with a cloud (meaning a lot of traffic).


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