When I going to reply any topic reply editor shows loading animation always. I thing this is a bug. If not, how to stop that. Please see the screenshot.
You have ERRORS in your pages, fix them and try again. I already told you in your other topic.
How to fix that?
First of all do YOU see and understand the issue? Can you replicate it?
If YES, then try:
1. Switch for a while to an other theme (the default) and check if the issues (the ERRORS) are gone. If NOT switch back to your theme and
2. Disable your plugins one by one and see what is the cause of your issue.
I see the main content of your website is the forum, so there is no need to keep cache plugin, please disable WP Rocket or exclude the home page ( https://alokpotro.com/) and the forum page ( https://alokpotro.com/home/) from caching: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
If you have JS minifying plugin, please disable it as well.
Also, please go to Dashboard > Users > Profile and make sure the "Disable the visual editor when writing" option is unchecked. This option should not be checked.