This seems to be solved, However I can't seem to find how to do it.
I have a user who didn't recieve their email. So his status is set to inactive. How do I change that to active?
Hi k@martin_1,
If you want to remove the "only active users" restriction for members list and members count in statistic you should use the new hook with this parameter:
add_filter('wpforo_display_members_status', function ( $status ){ return array('active', 'inactive', 'banned'); });
once you put this hook in your active WordPress theme functions.php, you should navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click the [Delete All Caches] button. If you have a WordPress child theme, you should only put this code in the child theme functions.php file.
Also please read the changelog here:
I am sorry I haven't been back to respond to your suggestion. That wasn't exactly what i wanted :-). I have a few users who didn't recieve their e-mail to set their password. So they can't activate their accounts.
Is this something I can do for them and how?
I find it very strange that I as an administrator can't activate their accounts. That is suchs a standard feature.