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[Closed] Sidebar gone for posts, not for overview

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my WPForo sidebar is gone for posts, but not on the overview pages. At the same time the pages of individual posts and discussion about them are much narrower than the other forum pages, almost looks like the output for mobile devices.

To make it a little weirder, the narrowing only occurs in Safari and Chrome, Brave and Firefox display the width as usual, but the sidebar is missing here too.

Does anyone have any ideas?


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Post feeds abort with the error message copied below under pHp 8.1. Users cannot answer to posts. 

Reverting the system to 7.4 "solved" the problem, the sidebar appears again.


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: 4 arguments are required, 3 given
in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433

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Here is the continuation and preliminary daily summary, after the system is halfway running again late in the evening.

Summary of the attached screenshots from GTMetrix:
TTFB WPForo with pHp 8.1: 12.5 seconds (!)
TTFB WPForo with pHp 7.4: 3.3 seconds
TTFB Wordpress Environment for WPForo without caching (!) on pHp 7.4: 446ms

The values were made with the cookie banner turned off and the login constraint removed, otherwise you won't get much information about the forum.

I would be glad if someone from support could take a look at this on Wednesday, on Thursday there will be a report about the project on one of the bigger TV stations in Germany, which is already a challenge when the system is working.

Yours, Bernd

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Hi @berndg,

Please provide Buged post URL.

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@chris Was on any page – normal on overview pages, bugged on single post pages. With roll back to pHp 7.4 it's gone. 

I saw someone, maybe you tried already to login here, the password ist changed. Where should I send the new one, and should I set up a staging server?

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@chris Update on the TTFB:

- it is 80% better now. Reason: A recently installed plugin (WPShield Content Protector - installed at the request of a TV station so that you can't rip their video hosted with us - please don't discuss this, I know there is no absolute protection) was spamming the WP cron log with almost 40,000 entries and has since been replaced with two lines of code. Reads faster than you can figure it out, though, as usual. Since then, the TTFB is still not 100% optimal, but way better

- We are still struggling with WP Rocket. Even if the plugin is disabled, it negatively affects WPForo load times. Also, when it's enabled and the forum page exclusion code posted by @Robert here are enabled, it doesn't change the speed degradation at all. I wonder if that's because of the code it leaves in the .htaccess despite being disabled? Anyway, WP Rocket support is working on it right now on a staging server. At the moment the loading times of both the wordpress pages and the forum are better without WPRocket.

I will report again.

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Try with php 8.0, you should not face issue, with it.

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@chris Same story, I did it already yesterday.

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@chris Maybe any other idea? As I wrote, we will be on TV tomorrow nationwide with our forum, an with this TTFB I will be totally lost for sure, when all the viewers rush to the forum.

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@chris Any further support from the support team would be really appreciated. 

Brief summary once again:

- under pHp 8.0 and 8.1 the sidebar disappears - but only for single posts. In the listings it is still visible
- at the same time it is not possible to reply to other posts.

All caches have been deleted several times.


Yours, Bernd

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Please set the PHP version to 8.0 so we can see the issue, provide a URL of such a post.

Also provide admin access  to your website, send the credentials to info[at], mention this post in the URL and let me know here that you have sent the email.


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@chris The site is live and busy, so I can only do this with appointment. New credentials are on their way, thanks for caring!

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the problem comes from the phrase translation just like mentioned in this post:

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