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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] slow queries

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I have many slow queries on my forum. How I can to fix it ?

Thank you


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Hi @mondesensuel,

1. Please let me know what Table Engine (InnoDB or MyISAM) is used for tables with _wpforo_ secondary prefixes in the database? You can use phpMyAdmin plugin to check it.


2. Make sure these options are enabled in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab:

  • Enable Member Cache
  • Enable Object Cache
  • Enable Options Cache
  • Enable Memory Cache


3. Check the issues in the Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug Tab > Tables Sub-tab. If you see any issue, please click the [Solve Database Problems] button. 

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thank you for your fast answer.

1.It's InnoDB.

2. all is enable (member cache was not)

3. no probems found in database

Less slower queries, but more time 🙁


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Could you please leave a similar screenshot of your _wpforo_ tables?

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Also, try to change the wp_wpforo_visits table engine to MyISAM using the corresponding option in the "Operations" Tab of the phpMyAdmin tool.

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Could you try to disable Wordpfence for a few minutes and check again if something changes.

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@dimalifragis yes it's better but my website isn't protected 🙁

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Posted by: @mondesensuel

@dimalifragis yes it's better but my website isn't protected 🙁

Nothing will happen to your site for 5 minutes.


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@mondesensuel What kind of hosting plan are you using? PHP ? DB ? memory ?

Is a big site? Big wpForo ?

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I don't see big issues related to wpForo anymore. You can change the table Engine for these two tables as well:

  • wp_wpforo_profiles
  • wp_wpforo_likes
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@martin I change it in MyISAM for profiles and likes ?

@dimalifragis not a bit site :

I have a VPS server : 

  • Bi Intel® Xeon®
    (20 coeurs 3.0 GHz)
  • 3 (3x3.0 GHz)
  • 8 Go ram
  • 6 Go Vswap ssd
  • PHP 7.4

What is DB ?


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@martin today, it's 2,5 seconds lost with slow querries 🙁


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