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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Spammers got through the moderated post requirement

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Posts: 245
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I have wpForo set so that new users must have 1 post moderated before they can post freely in the forum.

However, two users managed to create new accounts and post freely immediately. There were 80-something spam posts in my forum when I awoke this morning, despite this setting:

I received the email notifications that a new posts needed to be moderated, then a flood of email notifications of new topics, which were all the spam posts. Upon visiting the initial posts, they indeed were still awaiting approval (they had not been approved yet), but somehow those same users were able to post over 80 posts that didn't need approval. I'm not sure how they did it and that's why I'm here posting this message right now.

Any ideas?

4 Replies
Posts: 5094
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Hi  Wendell,

Our team tries to find such a problem on our test websites to find some solution for you, please wait. I'll back to you as soon as possible. 

Posts: 245
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Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks Sofy!

It happened again last night.

I've also noticed that some legitimate users are able to register and post right away. They don't always require my moderation and I'm not sure why.

Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Wendell,

First of all, I recommend you enable wpForo reCAPTCHA for registration page. It works fine, the old issue was fixed a while ago. So stop spammers at the gate of your forum.

Second, please be careful with the option "Ban users if post is suspected". You should keep checking all banned users every day. The spam suspicion is not 100% correct function it may ban real users.

Third, try to set the new user control until 5. And enable Akismet.


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Wendell do you use ANY security plugin in your installation ?