Is there any way to make sticky topics stand out more? Like change the background colour or something?
The padlock icon isn't distinct enough so looking for ways to make sticky posts more obvious and visible (they will contain guidelines for the forum users so don't want them to 'not see them').
you can use jQuery for this
Example for a gray background and an orange border
jQuery( ".wpforo-topic-title i.fa-thumbtack" ).parent().parent().parent().parent().css({ "background-color": "#f5f5f5", "border" : "1px solid #ff9900" } );
paste this code into a .js file of your Wordpress theme
by the way padlock icon is not sticky
@tutrix thanks for this, I'm looking for a CSS solution though.
Aware the icon itself isn't sticky, I just mean a way to highlight the 'sticky' posts when you look at them in a list on a forum.
Thank you for all the help, I installed a plugin to allow custom JS, then used the code above and it works!!
Appreciate the patience, I've still got a lot to learn.