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Stop Automatically Scrolling or Jumping to the first post

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Is there a way to stop the page from scrolling / jumping to the first post on the recent posts. Also this happens on the profile and members page. the page auto scrolls down to the content. I want to disable this.

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Could you please record a video where we can see the issue? 

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Hi @martinasjam 

Does the page scroll only for logged in members or also for guests?

This is also the case on my site, but only when logged in, I thought it was caused by my many changes.
Only the forum home page in the menu is without this effect.


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@tutrix Yes! it happens to logged in members only. It's exactly like your screen.

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I have now tested some settings again but cannot find the cause.
For me it's ok, so I don't have to scroll to the content when I'm logged in, it goes automatically 😀.

Maybe @sofy knows the reason for the automatic scrolling and can help you.

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Please let us know which version of wpForo you are using. If it's an older version, update the plugin to the latest version and check again.

If you have any cache plugins installed on your website, check out this FAQ:

Also, please delete the wpForo caches before checking.

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@sofy wpForo 2.3.4. The caching is done on the server WP engine. I've deleted the wpforo caches a few times during this process.

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Please check and make sure you don't have minified JS files. 

Additionally, pleave your forum URL to allow us to check the issue. 

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@sofy this is one of the pages it happens on only when a user is logged in. it doesn't happen for guests:


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Posted by: @martinasjam

Is there a way to stop the page from scrolling / jumping to the first post on the recent posts.


If you don't want wpForo to jump and scroll to the first unread post, you can disable "Topic Links Jump to First Unread Post" option in the wpForo > Settings > Action Logging & Views admin page.

However, there is no disabling option for profile because it should scroll to the profile section after opening the page, there is a lot of space above the profile tabs so it makes more convenient to quickly see the main info.

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