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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] There is a conflict with mycred for multisite

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There is a conflict with mycred for multisite. while this option is enabled

In version 1.7.0 everything was ok.

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Posted by: @mike110

There is a conflict with mycred for multisite. while this option is enabled

In version 1.7.0 everything was ok.

This time you've not deleted your cache properly and you've not pressed Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end twice to reset browser cache. So please do that. Delete all kind of caches you have, if you have minify/optimizer plugins delete those caches too. Purge CDN if you have. And Finally, don't forget to reset your browser cache by pressing Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end.

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I deleted all caches.

In addition, I checked the forum in incognito mode. For anonymous users, everything is ok, but the problem appears for logged in users.

Look here:

"wpforo-content" is empty. This is not a problem with css.


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So how this issue is related to myCRED plugin?



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@robert I don't know. I don't know what you changed in this version when it comes to php code but with this option enabled in mycred forum not working. Main content is not loaded . As I wrote earlier in version 1.7.0 it was all ok and this is not a problem with css / cache.


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Please find error log file and let us know what errors you see.

If you can't find any error, please deactivate and delete 1.7.1 version and download/install the 1.7.0 version. I think this is not a version issue. (scroll down to find the old version download drop-down)


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Where can I find this error log file? Because debug detects nothing.

So what could this be the reason? I have deactivated all plugins. Now I have only enabled wpforo and mycred.

I installed the 1.7.0 version and everything was ok. I installed the 1.7.1 again and the problem is the same. This must be a problem in version 1.7.1 because I haven't changed anything else. There are the same settings.


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I'm sorry but this is something we can't debug. There is no any change in wpForo 1.7.1 that could stop loading it. I'm sorry, but we don't have solution for this.

The only way is to continue the support is having some errors log files or error messages. If there is no any error then there is no any issue in PHP code. This is just conflict from myCRED plugin.


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I copied the /wpforo/wpf-inludes/functions.php file from version 1.7.0 and the problem is resolved. So the problem is with this file. With some code snippet.



I analyzed this file and the problem is with two functions:

1. function is_wpforo_url($url = ''){

2. function is_wpforo_page($url = ''){

These functions cause an error. As if they didn't work in wordpress multisite.

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Ok, could you please send admin login details to info[at] email address?


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Hi @mike110,

We installed a WordPress multi-site, Installed myCRED and wpForo and tested. All works fine, we couldn't find any issue. Please watch this video: