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New Feature [Closed] Topic Prefix notification

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I am now using WPforo since March and it's really a great choice much better than my old bbpress forum.

Some members tell me that they receive too many email notifications and would like to be able to filter with finer criteria. One such criterion would be to be able to receive email notifications by subscribing to Topics Prefix. Is this possible? Or is it planned for a future version?

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Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi @argentetsalaire,

All users can manage their notifications in the Profile > Subscriptions Tab.

Also, you can disable the email notifications coming from "@" mentioning of their usernames in Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Subscriptions & Mentioning admin page. 

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Eminent Member
Posts: 29

@robert thank you for your answer but notification are only available for subjects and messages 

What i would liké to have is notification for Prefix : hère is an example of a Prefix i would liké to receive notification

Is this possible ? Could it be available in a next version ?

Joined: 9 years ago

Support Team
Posts: 10587


I'm really sorry but we're not planning to add notifications based on topic prefix. 

In case you want to pay for such feature you can contact our custom development team: