Hi, I'm here to report a translation error. After the new release installation I found that some phrases that I've translated at the beginning have reset. Any idea why? Do I have to translate them again?
Some phrase like: Forum contains no unread posts; Not Replied; Enter Title Here and others...
Thank you for the reply
In very rare cases we change phrases so it may reset the translation. But as far as I see in your examples this is something else and doesn't have direct relation to wpForo. Please let me know what translation method you use?
Hi Robert, I used translate with Loco at the beginning, could It dipend on that?
Ok, this is Loco issue for sure. I'd recommend ask this question to Loco support. This cannot have any relation to wpForo. wpForo just call the standard WordPress translation functions which are filtered by PO/MO files generated by Loco.
Thanks Robert