With the latest update, you’ve just integrated structured data for Google (which is great).
However, I’m not sure what you’ve integrated. We was using the plugin: Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP (by magazine3). We use too Rak Math SEO (some features are automatically disabled with wpforo (compatibility).
This was paired with their specific add-on (wpforo): Q&A Schema Compatibility (to integrate very comprehensive structured forum tags). Addon for Schema & Structured Data for wpForo.
It seems your approach is : DiscussionForumPosting, while some prefer the question and answer format for a discussion forum.
As a wpForo specialist, what do you think about it ?
We are a lost. Either we continue to use these two specific plugins, or we rely on your settings for structured tags ?
We don’t know which format you’ve adopted (Q and A or…).
FYI, we chose the option: Transform WordPress into a forum (this option disables WordPress on the front-end).
We also have a few pages of items in the menu (we need tags too).
Thank you very much for your feedback and comments on this specific point.
Hi @reitonas
With the wpForo 2.4.3 and higher wpForo has two Structured Data types:
- QAPage for the Q&A Forum Layout
- DiscussionForumPosting for the Threaded, Simplified and Extended forum layouts.
So based on the forum layout your threads and topics will have corresponding structured data for Google and for other search systems.
Thank you for your feedback.
Specialized plugins (structured data for search engines) are no longer needed, we're going to disable them.
This is a very good thing, as it means fewer plugins installed.
wpForo is truly comprehensive.