Activation of go2wpforo plugin 2.1.4 crashes with the following message:
Error E_ERROR line 7 of /home/fyfp0532/XXX/wp-content/plugins/go2wpforo/includes/functions.php. Message d’erreur : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wpforo_is_admin() in /home/fyfp0532/XXXX/wp-content/plugins/go2wpforo/includes/functions.php:7
wpforo is installed and activated.
I tried with all plugins disabled after putting the site in maintenance mode: same.
Kind regards
Please read the instruction. You should use Go2wpForo 3.x version with wpForo 2.x. Please don't use Go2wpForo 2.x versions with wpForo 2.x version: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/migrate-to-wpforo/#download-go2wpforo-tool
Download Go2wpForo Tool
- For wpForo 2.x | The latest Go2wpForo 3.0.1 version | DOWNLOAD ∇
- For wpForo 1.x | Go2wpForo 2.1.4 version | DOWNLOAD ∇
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
@Robert Many thanks!
When I googled to find a way to migrate from Asgaros (non solved vulnerabilities, out from Wordpress.org, no answers, and their own support forum is currently heavily spammed...) I found this page:
And I did not notice that "V1" was mentioned only in the breadcrumb...
I started the migration process hoping that all will go smoothly.
Kind regards