I'm having trouble migrating from myBB to wpForo
There was no problem in the migration process (all the way to 100% without any glitch), and after that I can see the forum statistics (the new one) showing some numbers (more or less identical with the previous myBB), but when I open the new forum, all show 0 topics and 0 posts.
I went to Dashboard > wpForo > Moderations and clicked the "Published (####)" link and found that there are actually topics and posts. That means it's not an empty database, correct? So I assumed all the data were migrated successfully. I then went to Dashboard > Overview > Rebuild Threads. The notification said that thread rebuilding was a success, but nothing changed. All the forums still show 0 topics and 0 posts.
Is there something that I missed?
Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Moderation admin page, press on the "Published" button, check if there are any topics. If you don't see any topics/posts, that means that the topics hadn't been migrated. If you see the topics/posts, go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and press Rebuild Threads Button, delete all kinds of caches and check again.
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@sofy Well, I did state in my post that in Dashboard > Forums > Moderation > Published there are topics and posts listed. AND I also stated, that I pressed the Rebuild Threads button, AND it said that thread rebuilding was a success but still no result in the forum.
So, any other suggestion?
On the same page, please press the following buttons one by one:
- Update Forums Statistic
- Update Topics Statistic
- Update User Statistic
Then delete the caches and check again.
Next, review this FAQ to ensure your cache plugin (if any) is correctly configure: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/#post-37150
Important: Press CTRL+F5 (twice) on the frontend before checking.
In case you want to say thank you 😊
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.