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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to change DEFAULT password MINIMUM length?

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How i can change DEFAULT password MINIMUM length when user REGISTER?

I use wpforo and userpro.. and userpro password min length = 8, wpforo = 6.. when user have pass with 6 length, userpro behave incorrectly

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You can change the password min length using this hook code in your current active WordPress theme functions.php file. I set it 3 in the code, you can change it to whatever you want:

add_filter('wpforo_pass_min_length', function ($length){ return 3;} );

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@robert Hi Robert, quick question: Is this still the current way to set the minimum password length higher?

Thanks for a short "yes" or "no", and thanks for caring.

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@robert If we use this method by changing the code, will our changes be overwritten (or possibly overwritten) when an upgrade / update is released?  Is it possible to have this feature added into the "Settings" area so we can just change this in the WPFORO application instead of having to modify the code (for this purpose) when we want to make a change.  Please let me know.

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I just updated the solution, please use the new one in the same post.

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@robert Thanks. You provided the following for the minimum length. I was just curious how to additionally set the "max" length for the password.

add_filter('wpforo_pass_min_length', function ($length){ return 3;} );

Please let me know if there's also an option for "max" length?


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Use this one: 

add_filter('wpforo_pass_max_length', function ($length){ return 3;} );