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[Closed] Make likes more prominent?

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Tried flushing cache everywhere, tried in incognito mode, but still the likes act weird. When I have alread liked a post and remove my like it just says "reacted". Why? I click again to like and the thumb is blue but it doesn't say in text that I have like the post. I refresh the page and then the text is added that I have like the post.

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Here is a video of the behavior. At the end I refresh the page.

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This is the old theme issue. You still use the unsupported "classic" theme. We'll check this issue and update in the near future. There is no active support for the issues related to your theme.

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@robert actually I just tried the new theme and the exact same thing happens for me.

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Please disable all plugins and Cloudflare for a while, delete all caches, open a private tab and test it again.

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wpForo doesn't have such bug. You can check it here in our community. So I think your WordPress installation with all plugins, themes and hosting couldflare is incompatible with wpForo.

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@robert so wpforo is not compatible with Cloudflare? It's weird why likes would not function for wpforo when it works perfectly fine with wpdiscuz and other forum software I've tried.

It's a bummer, because this reply feels like "dude, it's your problem, you're on your own".

ALL Wordpress installations are unique. Aren't you interested in finding out why it's not compatible or working optimally?

You say it's not a bug with wpforo, but you can argue that it is if it's not compatible with all websites?

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Posted by: @danniee

@robert so wpforo is not compatible with Cloudflare?

It's compatible with Cloudflare, there are thousands of wpForo installations on Cloudflare. I said it's incompatible with set of plugins + the theme and + Cloudflare you have. In other words, it is incompatible with your website. Your website conflicting with some ajax requests of wpForo.

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Honestly, it's just less headache for me if I completely deactive the likes function 🙄 

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you can do that by disabling "Can like" permission for all Forum Accesses in wpForo > Accesses admin page.

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I deactivated Redis Object cache + Cloudflare and none of it helped.

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Not even deactivating WP Rocket helped. So it's not a cache issue.

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I didn't say it's a cache issue.

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@robert well, it looks more and more like a bug to me then.

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Please read my post:

There is no such bug with wpForo. Try to install a fresh WordPress+wpForo and check it.

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