I try to explain better. I would need to hide the password change field, to keep account management all out of the forum. But if this is not possible ...
Maybe you meant to check here:?According to this doc, I can't hide it on the account settings page. But if I really can't hide it, can I avoid to get ...
Can I hide also password field?
Ok, thank you!
So with that add-on I can hide any kind of field from account settings page? Do you confirm?Because I saw that if I change email address from account ...
Great! Thank you!
@chris Hi, the steps above didn't solve the problem. But going to that table I see there are a few users that don't exist anymore in the users list an...
Ok, thank you anyway! 🙂
@chris Anyway, I don't understand why I still see 5 member under Registered Usergroup even if I don't have any member with that role at the moment. In...
@chris I see, but secondary usergroup is no authomatic, isnt'it? With memberships and thousands of members it's pretty difficult to set them individ...
@tutrix thank you! It works now! 🙂