Eminent Member
Topics: 5 / Replies: 17
RE: Noticed some missed WP cronjobs

Well, i have done all the tests you have pointed out and everything points against wpForo so then i guess it must be a conflict between theme and wpFo...

6 years ago
RE: Noticed some missed WP cronjobs

Hmm, realy wierd because when i deactivate wpForo it is all ok. And using wordpress healt check plugin built by automattic show this issue only on wpF...

6 years ago
RE: Noticed some missed WP cronjobs

I have already fixed the Yoast issue but the issues below is still unsolved. It seems like wpForo disables the wp_version_check () and that cause my W...

6 years ago
RE: Noticed some missed WP cronjobs

Any thoughts on this as mentioned in previous post? An extension prevents updates by disabling wp_version_check (), callback to site failed, this may ...

6 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 4934
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

Ok, problem solved and it seems to me that something has gone wrong during installation or setup. I went into DB and checked all tables, compared the ...

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

This is realy wierd or something wron with the usergroup "customer". I set in wordpress settings new users user role to subscriber and changed the sta...

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

Just updated my staging site with all the same plugins and the wierd thing is that here it works just fine, also with the popup registration. So this ...

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

As far as i now the only plugins i am using that interfere with the registration process is SEO by Yoast and WooCommerce Smart Coupons. I have tested ...

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

Question: Do i have to resync usergroups on every new member? I see if i do that and then delete user cache it is works ok. Rune

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

Hi Robert.. Sorry to say that i have tested with all available registration forms and i have enabled wpForo reg. form if you want to test. Forums, for...

6 years ago
RE: Remove avatar options

You can hide the option Specify avatar by URL completely using this css: .wpf-field-type-avatar li:nth-child(2) { display: none; }

6 years ago
RE: Wierd behavior with new member registration

Here we go,/p> And i have deleted all cache and not caching the forum using another cache plugin. Registerd 4-5 test accounts and all can not see foru...

6 years ago
RE: The 'Resolved' icon to appear in the Member's Activity too

@robert - Hey.. Would be great if we could have icons to appear also in the Recent Posts section. Rune

6 years ago
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