Eminent Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 11
RE: New WordPress do not sync with wpforo user groups

In the error_log I found this error: [17-Aug-2022 18:16:41 UTC] WordPress database error Unknown column 'username' in 'field list' for query INSERT ...

2 years ago
RE: How to add Title and ALT to an attached image

@robert Yes, it is the default wpforo code. I just pressed Edit on a post then Code and I copied and paster here. Is it possible to change the AL...

3 years ago
RE: How to add Title and ALT to an attached image

any ideas how to add ALT in the code above ?

3 years ago
RE: How to Disable About Me and website from user profile ?

@tutrix Great. Thanks a lot. P.S. You have a nice customized forum.

3 years ago
RE: How to Disable About Me and website from user profile ?

@tutrix It does not work 🙁 I still can see About Me page.

3 years ago
RE: How to Disable About Me and website from user profile ?

Any idea ? Usually scam users put stuff into About Me and Website Link. I want to remove these 2 from user profile. Please guide me. Really apprec...

3 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1401
4 years ago
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