@robert Ah ha! I got it, thanks soo much!
@robert Thanks so much! I'm still having a little trouble with the above. I see 'Forum Permissions' where you directed, but not 'Forum Access'. I went...
@robert Thanks! I ended up making a secondary usergroup called 'Contributor' and just giving it to the people I want so they can get the tag. Thanks f...
@sofy I'll check it out. Thanks!
@alvina Any word on how it's going?
@alvina If you go to the user's profile page, the pic is there, but not on the side bar.
@alvina Username: Test Guy Password: 123456 Email: joshua_ellis@lightuntodarkness.com (This email is currently not used) Forum | Light Unto Da...
@alvina Thank you!
@alvina Yeah, I've gone through everything and I can't fix it! Here is the link to my site:/p>
@martin Wow, I'm so dumb. Thanks for taking the time to write back!