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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to add login on front page

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Caleb Ellis
Posts: 21
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Eminent Member
Joined: 4 years ago

In my forum, when I view as a guest, it is blank and can be confusing. If I could have the login page come up first when signed out, that would be nice! Any help on how I can do this? Thanks!

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Posts: 1867
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi @caleb-ellis,

I've just asked our developers if they can provide some code for that. I'll update the topic once I get some news for you.

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Caleb Ellis
Joined: 4 years ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 21

@alvina Thanks! I can wait

Joined: 5 years ago

Posts: 1867


I'll suggest you check out the wpForo "Admin note/message on Forum frontend" feature (Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Misc admin page). The wpForo has a login shortcode, you just need to put it on the message content. 

More info here:

The Admin message will be displayed under the forum breadcrumb menu, above forum and topic titles. You can display the text for certain usergroups. 


Caleb Ellis
Joined: 4 years ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 21

@alvina Thank you!