I reported the same fault over 18-months ago, when it started happening on my site. I was provided a fix, that I have to apply after every wpforo upda...
@robert I can't see the beta tester forum, any chance I could be added?
I've had a very similar problem to this for a couple of years now, though mine is related to post time stamp, I get the 50+ years ago! I reported it...
Hi Robert, I've absolutely no idea how I have incomplete data that doesn't have connection to users, topics or forums in my database. I can only su...
Thought I would just say 30mins after posting the above, the phantom private forum widget entries are back
Firstly, apologies for the tone of my first post, reading back it comes across badly, no excuse just frustration blinded common sense and manners. S...
Well, Well the widget is now fixed once again with 1.9.2. Lets hope it remains so. Many thanks to the Wpforo developers for including the fix for the ...
Initially a few years back the widget behaved correctly, but I've had the same problem as you for ages. I reported it long ago and it was fixed in a s...
Agreed, my site is on WP 5.6 and WP-Foro 1.9 and out of curiosity I tried my site on PHP 8. I reverted PHP back straight away. Although the site parti...
Yep did that and it worked.
Mot sure if it helps but I'm running GeneratePress Pro theme and updated top wpforo 1.8.0 and it went smoothly. That would suggest nothing much wrong ...
@shady46 Simple solution to that is install a "force logout" plugin for wordpress, that's what I did. This adds an option to your "wordpress" user c...