We've just released wpForo 1.9.0 middle version!
Mostly this version includes major changes in core architecture for PHP 8 support and dozens of bug fixes.
Important update notes
- If you have custom code for UM integration in your active theme functions.php file, please remove it before the update. Here is an example of such a custom code: https://wpforo.com/community/postid/16663/
- After the update, please delete all caches.
- Go to forum front page and refresh (press Ctrl+F5) twice to reset browser cache.
- If you have Minifier/Optimizer plugins please delete all caches after wpForo update.
- If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.
Main Changes
PHP 8 Support
PHP 8 introduces two JIT compilation engines. Tracing JIT, the most promising of the two, shows about 3 times better performance on synthetic benchmarks and 1.5–2 times improvement on some specific long-running applications. Typical application performance is on par with PHP 7.4.
Label - Topic Starter
Now you can recognize the topic starter/author in long threads by a small label with feather icon.
PHPSESSION is removed from wpForo
This caused many conflicts with hosting cache systems and plugins.
Many new features are added:
- Added: Label "Topic Starter" next to the post author username
- Added: Rich editor for Signature field
- Added: New button in dashboard [Clean Up] to clean orphaned data
- Added: Hook to disable forum filter for related topics by tags
- Added: Use strict rules to find related topics by tags (full match)
- Added: Nofollow attributes to anchor links
- Added: Option and hook to manage forum and sub-forums on threaded layout
- Added: Don't suggest selecting of forums if there is only one
- Added: Option to show/hide top admin bar for regular users
- Added: Filter hook to FB Login privacy information
- Added: Tinymce content_css for emoji image size
- Added: Enable merge/move with topic short URLs as well
- Added: Limit suggested tags and filter hook to change this limit
Lots of bugs are fixed:
- Fixed Bug: Buddypress notifications are not marked as read
- Fixed Bug: Forum sitemap issue with WordPress 5.5/5.6
- Fixed Bug: Post editor is visible in closed topics for admins/mods
- Fixed Bug: Rank Math SEO conflict
- Fixed Bug: RSS link issues, infinity duplications
- Fixed Bug: SEO issue, moved topic URL still available
- Fixed Bug: Time zone date time counting issue
- Fixed Bug: Recent posts widget ignores forum accesses
- Fixed Bug: Wrong user being notified of being mentioned in the forum
- Fixed Bug: Search problem with unicode content
- Fixed Bug: Problem with HTML code when you edit a post
- Fixed Bug: Doesn't show some code or quote (when trying to edit)
- Fixed Bug: Missing unapproved posts on Recent Posts page (filter)
- Fixed Bug: Last reply links on threaded layout doesn't show up for guests
- Fixed Bug: Can create topic in the category
- Fixed Bug: Two PHP notices when move/split posts
- Fixed Bug: Profile URL is not changed to UM profile page for current user only
- Fixed Bug: Problem with current user profile URL when BuddyPress is enabled
- Fixed Bug: Latest Post in the Forum Statistics is showing restricted topics
- Fixed Bug: Extra "Body" tooltip on editor toolbar buttons
- Fixed Bug: Remove share buttons from password reset page (avoid vulnerability)
- Fixed Bug: Issue with rich editor full screen toolbar buttons
- Fixed Bug: Deprecated keyboard event properties and Mac support
- Fixed Bug: Numeric username issues in registration and account data update
Update: We've just released 1.9.1 version.
- Adapted: Avoid database error if the InnoDB table engine is disabled in the hosting server.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Really looking forward to getting the update installed! But I am just waiting to make sure everything is OK first 🙂
Has any one experienced any major errors updating the new wordpress and wpforo?
Check out my Wpforo forum, lots of customisations and add ons 🙂
Percys Grow Room
@verek thanks bro!
Check out my Wpforo forum, lots of customisations and add ons 🙂
Percys Grow Room
In this version there are any changes to speed improvement?
In this version there are any changes to speed improvement?
We have made wpForo compatible with PHP 8. If your hosting PHP version is 8 then the forum will be minimum 2-3 times faster. Make sure you use WordPress 5.6, because the older versions of WordPress don't support PHP 8. Also, other plugins may also be incompatible with PHP 8.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Note that WP 5.6 is only "beta compatibility" with PHP8, meaning that it's minimally compatible. The WP team themselves have said that means it "should" work with a default theme and no plugins. IMHO it's WAY to early to do anything like that with a production website.
That said, I've NOT upgraded to WP 5.6 but I have upgraded to wpForo to 1.9 and it's working great. 🙂
Agree with @wendell. It will be a good while before WP + PHP8 is ready for prime time.
Fixed Bug: Numeric username issues in registration and account data update
Does this fix prevent username with all numbers and number prefixes?
Note that WP 5.6 is only "beta compatibility" with PHP8, meaning that it's minimally compatible. The WP team themselves have said that means it "should" work with a default theme and no plugins. IMHO it's WAY to early to do anything like that with a production website.
Agreed, my site is on WP 5.6 and WP-Foro 1.9 and out of curiosity I tried my site on PHP 8. I reverted PHP back straight away. Although the site partially worked (the forum appeared fine) it was throwing up errors all over the place.
Is there a setting to enable the 'Topic starter' indication? I don't see it in my forum.
Is there a setting to enable the 'Topic starter' indication? I don't see it in my forum.
It's enabled automatically. And it's located in different places based on the forum layout. What forum layout you use? Please see the four different locations in the different forum layouts below:
If you've copied wpForo template files and customized them in the active WordPress theme folder, you'll not see the new Topic Starter labels. Because you're using an old forum template files.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.