wpForo 1.9.2 and 1....
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[Closed] wpForo 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 are released!

6 Posts
5 Users
8 Reactions
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter

We've just released wpForo 1.9.2 then 1.9.3 bug-fix version.

In this version, the number of database queries has been reduced and the core is better optimized.


Important update notes

  • After the update, please delete all caches.
  • Go to forum front page and refresh (press Ctrl+F5) twice to reset browser cache.
  • If you have Minifier/Optimizer plugins please delete all caches after wpForo update.
  • If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.



  • 1.9.3
  • Conflict with some old cache plugins and some mu-plugins
  • ------
  • 1.9.2
  • Added: Better protection against spam user registration
  • Added: New hooks on topics and posts getting arguments for custom ordering
  • Added: Less number of SQLs on forum and non-forum pages by caching options
  • Added: Less number of SQLs on forum and non-forum pages by caching widgets
  • Fixed Bug: Fatal Error when using custom scripts for UM Integration
  • Fixed Bug: Recent posts widget ignores forum access settings and displays private forums' posts if the "limit per topic" option is enabled.


You can find wpForo 1.9.0 release summery (released a few days ago) here: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-9-0-is-released/

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 18/12/2020 7:04 pm
abdeslam, 99ibrahim99, spider and 1 people reacted
Posts: 1163
Noble Member

All updated and everything seems to be working fine, but I was hoping for you to put the ajax thing back to how it was..... Its a pain to only be able to do one like at a time 

Check out my Wpforo forum, lots of customisations and add ons 🙂
Percys Grow Room

Posted : 19/12/2020 8:18 am
Posts: 2615
Famed Member

@GVECTORS Thank you for all those unbelievable updates for a free forum plugin.

Also btw Happy Holidays and best wishes for you and your families.

Posted : 19/12/2020 1:31 pm
Martin, Robert and Macky reacted
Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Thank you for this update 🙂

Posted : 19/12/2020 3:51 pm
Robert reacted
Posts: 217
Active Member

Hello Robert

Just wanted to let you know that i m still stuck with Advanced Attachments Add-on 1.2.7v, versions after this don't work to display old migrated bbPress attachments!

Did not tested with last 2 updates of wpForo but i think it will be same.

Posted : 21/12/2020 5:14 pm
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @itesla

Hello Robert

Just wanted to let you know that i m still stuck with Advanced Attachments Add-on 1.2.7v, versions after this don't work to display old migrated bbPress attachments!

Did not tested with last 2 updates of wpForo but i think it will be same.

The latest wpForo Advanced Attachments addon version is 2.0.8. You should not use such an old version of the addon with the latest versions of wpForo. I'm really sorry but there is no way to make those compatible, and we don't provide support for making those compatible. You should update your addon. For further support please use the corresponding sub-forum of the gVectors Support forum: https://gvectors.com/forum/


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 22/12/2020 3:40 am