Thanks (@Robert), Indeed, that's what happens, I'll fix that 😀
The next screenshot confirm what I think about xml load, when I use dashboard/phrases js file is correctly updated and immediately seen on front scree...
Hi (@sofy), Some new informations, can you or your team investigate them. Thanks a lot for your collaboration and hope we will find a solution 🙂 ...
BTW : is there a way to attach 2 or more file ?
result in js file, line above with topics solutionnés is correct compared with non solutionnés Screenshot-2021-02-08-at-12.28.04.png
In my opinion, building the js file has something wrong: XML Screenshot-2021-02-08-at-12.32.20.png
Oops ... still not working Screenshot-2021-02-08-at-12.08.49.png
Ok, I find a solution !!! Rename or delete phrases.js, reload forum front page and js file is rebuild and translation appear correctly 😀 Sc...
Next print screen BTW: I use English to manage wp and French for the front end. wpForo show me a French dashboard !! even if I'm French speaking, ...
Please read this FAQ:/p> PS : "échouer" in admin options are probably not correct, and I can't even find it !! Could you please lave a screens...
Hello (@Robert) , First of all, many thanks answering to my question 😊. I update from previous version 1.9.3, it's only 3 weeks ago I'm testing wp...
Hello, One of the quickest way is to use your explorer "inspect option" to see the css applied to what you are looking for. Make some test by changi...