Estimable Member
Topics: 24 / Replies: 67
RE: Alert of profile being udated to monitor spam

Thank you for the information. I am wondering if there is an easy way to export the users including the profiles in a .csv or similar format that I ca...

3 years ago
RE: spam in profiles - stop links

Thank you very much. I put this code in and will see if this helps with the people that keep putting random span in the profile section. Thanks. Jason

3 years ago
RE: spam in profiles - stop links

Great! Thank you so much! Two questions: 1. Will the spammers see that they can't do a link when they go to make a new account? 2. What happen...

3 years ago
RE: spam in profiles - stop links

@aima-forum okay so I have tried many options on this and not had much luck. I recently read your original post and see that you had some code to leav...

4 years ago
RE: Help on formating

Thanks so much! I took that out and went back to normal!!!

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1012
RE: spam in profiles - stop links

Yes, I am in the same boat. What about on the registration page where it can send an email that you have to confirm before it creates an account? Any ...

4 years ago
RE: spam in profiles - stop links

I am having a similar problem on my forum where I get people that go and create an account and then they go into the profile page after they have crea...

4 years ago
RE: Addming image is creating extra paperlicp images

Wow, okay that is beyond my pay grade... Odd that you say it is still out of order as after I removed the image the following posts looked okay??? So ...

4 years ago
RE: Addming image is creating extra paperlicp images

Please look at this again. I just deleted the attached image and the post was fixed. It is attaching the image and the "div" that is added by the imag...

4 years ago
RE: Addming image is creating extra paperlicp images

Yes, I understand that the HTML code is wrong and I will go into the post and manually fix it. But my point I don't feel is being duplicated. Why did ...

4 years ago
RE: Addming image is creating extra paperlicp images

What I don't understand is that the user just added an attachment and then is when the code went off. So the HTML code that is off is being created by...

4 years ago
RE: Attaching image changes text and shows extra paperclip icons

Thank you. Found an </i> in there and changed it to an </em> and looks to have fixed the issue.

4 years ago
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