@alvina Hi Alina, It seems as if I have not been clear on what I am reporting. I have all of the Advanced wpforo add-ons for attachments on MY w...
If I go back and change the forum type to threaded, then I get options for Unread, Solved, Unsolved, Popular and they work. P.s. I can attach a file...
@alvina Thanks Alvina. Did all of the above. Still not working. Also, still cannot attach a screenshot here by Ctrl+V into my reply (I can do this o...
@robert Not constructive Robert. I stated, and do realize now, that adding something to a sidebar was probably not wpforo specific, but until you kn...
Ok - again, I am a relative novice to WP and wpforo. I now find that if I drag the wpforo Search widget as described above and drop it onto the wpfo...
Ok - I now see that the search icon is only shown if I turn the setting on for Show Top/Menu Bar. That was not obvious. How can I have the search func...
Thanks for the responses and the screenshots. Being new to WP and wpforo, the problem is I don't know how to display these things on my forums page....