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Topics: 1 / Replies: 10
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

by the way. back to the original topic. you mentioned that buddypress profile can't replace wpforo profile, but i was actually asking the other way ar...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

hahaha good news guys. so it all started just a while ago (by the way, anonymous20. i'm pretty sure you did not notice the reply i left for you on pag...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

Posted by: Robert I don't think the issue was in these requirements. It would be very helpful if you could install a test Wordpress in some subDisrec...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

Posted by: Anonymous20 I don't have those above and wpForo works just fine. I have 30 seconds timeout and 50 mb upload and post size and i'm good. Th...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

like i said, the php values that can't be changed are in the link i put in the reply i made before ( ) wpforo requirements: upload_max_filesize = 128...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

i'm talking about the link i posted in my last reply displaying the php values that can't be changed. not the MySQL version. some of the listed php va...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

i talked to them again about it and some new troubling information has come to light. apparently there are some values that cannot be changed on these...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

i talked to hostgator support again and they told me that the MySQL version running is 5.5.23. they said php.ini values can be updated on their end. t...

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

well apparently the server my host provides does not meet the system requirements..... will the wpforo system requirements ever change?

7 years ago
RE: how to properly use wpforo with BuddyPress?

i see. so just to be clear. when using the forum register/lostpass/change login all of these changes are the same on the buddypress side as well? the ...

7 years ago