@tptclan, Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page and take a screenshot of the usergroup list. Also, try to edit and ma...
Hi @tptclan, Yes, the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon allows to paste screenshot taken with [PrtScr] button of your PC to topic and post editor. Y...
Hi @mattpatten, Please let me know what plugins do you use. Also, please make sure the forum page has been excluded from your cache plugin. More i...
Hi @kikismedia, Thank you for the suggestion. We'll take this under consideration for sure.
Hi @kedy, Click the post link icon and find the original and short links
@danielofanu, I'd recommend connecting this plugin support and ask them why the forum page with sub-pages are not excluded from cache. If there is...
@danielofanu, You did something wrong, the forum page is still cached by your cache plugin. Are you sure you've inserted this /updates/ to the Do...