@danielofanu, Reset and purge all kind of minification, and otpization caches. I see the custom CSS doesn't exists in the website frontend, so this ...
@danielofanu, I assume you know that you should delete the cache after each editing of css code, I have already said you in my first post to delete...
@danielofanu, Add this CSS to others in the same textarea: #wpforo #wpforo-wrap.wpf-guest .wpfl-2 .wpforo-post .wpf-right .wpf-post-button-actions...
@danielofanu, This is not a bug. All works correct. The button only exists for attracting guests to login or register, it doesn't allow creating top...
@marios, Yous should use wpForo Profile and Notifications widget in website sidebars:
@gsmdahisi, We're very close to release the beta version for beta testers. We couldn't release it by the end of last month because of some serious b...
@pymeshelp, 1. Make the Font Awesome icons are supported for up to 5.11.2 version. The wpForo FA library version is 5.11.2, don't use new icons, the...
Hi @kikismedia, What update do you mean? The last update was about 8-9 months ago, and all updates were releasing after each 2-3 months. So why are ...
Hi @pymeshelp, I don't see any problems with icons. Please see the attached screenshot, all icons work fine. 2022-05-03_13-22-43.png
@przla, First try to delete all kind of caches of your cache plugins. Then delete forum cache, go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and clic...
@alexwellsmba, wpForo stores posts in wp_wpforo_posts table and the search logic is based on Full Text MySQL logic. But the WordPress posts are stor...
What do you mean saying "members, topics pages"?
@sosyoforum, The screenshot says nothing. Please provide with the exact links (not the google redirection links, the end link).
@cristian9518, This is not a XML Archive, this is a RSS Feed, and it should not have associated any style information. That's a default message disp...
@sergido, The code above will remove the site name from all forum pages. You can use it.