Support Team
Topics: 1 / Replies: 942
RE: "Full screen" editor option NOT ALWAYS available

Hi @jorgew, Please leave a URL to your forum and a login detail of a simple subscriber user to let us test it. You can set this topic as private if ...

10 months ago
RE: Some member profile pages redirected to 404 page

Hi @seancallahan, Try to edit the maliblu user and change the Nickname to something elese, e.g. to malibluuu. Save it, got to Dashboard > wpForo ...

10 months ago
RE: Subscription by group

Hi @sergiocb, You can disable the permission of subscription in the Forum Access attached to the Registered Usergroup, it's the Standard Access by d...

10 months ago
RE: Web app notifications

Hi @gmail-com, Here is a good instruction how to add any website as an icon on your iPhone home:

10 months ago
RE: Adjust text truncation value in breadcrumb

Hi @vanessa You can use this code snippets in a PHP code snippets of the Code Snippets plugin or in the current active WordPress theme: function c...

10 months ago
Answer to: Asgaros forums to wpforo migration - critical error!

Hi @pcguidelk, It seems the Go2wpForo plugin files are corrupted in your server. Please deactivate, delete Go2wpForo plugin, then download it again ...

10 months ago
RE: Broken URLs after upgrading

Hi @seancallahan, Try the following: 1. Delete wpForo caches in Dashboard > wpForo > Overview admin page, use [Delete all caches] button. ...

11 months ago
RE: Reduce space between sidebar objects

Hi @thewpforonoob, You have such problem in multiple places of forum. It's time to find the plugin which cause this CSS conflict. Also check the cur...

12 months ago
RE: Post title not showing on list of Recent Posts

@fororun, This is not a bug. Post titles are the same for all posts, it's the same topic title with RE: prefix, there is no mean to show the same li...

12 months ago
RE: Confused about permissions

@mustafamohsen, Thank you for the plugin name. We'll check it and let you know. As far as i noticed our team has received request from you. They'll ...

1 year ago
RE: Confused about permissions

@mustafamohsen, That depends on the membership plugin you use. So let me know how are you handling your memberships.

1 year ago
RE: Confused about permissions

Hi @mustafamohsen, I think the only way is using User Custom Fields addon and put the Secondary Usergroup field in the Registration for letting user...

1 year ago
RE: How to display Login/Register forms when unregistered or logged out user loads the wpforo landing page

Hi @jross, wpForo doesn't have such a function. You can try the following solutions for WordPress: Using Custom Script:/li> Try this plugin, bu...

1 year ago
RE: Icon Resolution

@user1038, When you upload an avatar image, it's cropped with 150x150 size. This is the maximum size wpForo uses in forum section. Also, you can use...

1 year ago
RE: - I lost all my subscriptions

@afwpforo, Yes, all are removed, you don't need to open a new account.

1 year ago
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