Estimable Member
Topics: 18 / Replies: 48
RE: Email links don't jump anymore to the last post

I just found the right shortcode : [post_url] Perhaps would it be useful to add it to the email template "new reply notification"?

2 years ago
RE: Email links don't jump anymore to the last post

Hi Chris, Thanks for your answer, ... but the point is that I don't know how to insert a link with post ID in the notification email. It seems not...

2 years ago
RE: Fatal error after updating plugins to 3.x.x and before installing Wpforo 2.x

@chris I don't get you. Should I update Wpforo BEFORE updating advanced attachments addon (v 3.0.1)? Please my messages below.

3 years ago
RE: Fatal error after updating plugins to 3.x.x and before installing Wpforo 2.x

So, I replaced 3.0.1 version by the old 2.1.2 version. I let the other three addons (Embed/Polls/Private messages) in 3.0.0 version, and my Wpforo p...

3 years ago
RE: Fatal error after updating plugins to 3.x.x and before installing Wpforo 2.x

I used the recovery mode offered by Wordpress to desactivate the advanced attachments addon (v 3.0.1), and now I can access my backoffice again. I t...

3 years ago
RE: Icons lost in User profile & notification widget since update

Hi @robert, I've done what you said and it works again. Thank you so much!

4 years ago
RE: Members receiving notification emails concerning sub-forums they don't have access to

Hi, Same thing for me. Every forum has been checked and is OK concerning the access rights. But nevertheless, I regularly have some members who re...

4 years ago
RE: Topic title lost with v.1.8.1

Uhh... it seems that it works now... perhaps some times to be taken into account by our server?... 🙄 Sorry for this message, you can consider it as...

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 723
RE: Modify post title?

You're right, it's solved now. Thank you so much!

5 years ago
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