Thank you. It was important for me to know, what happened. 🌹 Best regards
Hi, it is not a cache problem. All members can't create new topics …
Never mind, I figured it out. Just set to "no access" to the user roles. 👍
Okay, thank you.
@chris Ah, sorry. Misunderstanding. It's okay now, I want the topic title there.
@chris Thanks! Now it works. Title is hidden, but topic title is still there. Many thanks!
@chris any news about this?
@chris When you go to:and then to "edit account information" you can see it. Bildschirmfoto-2023-01-17-um-16.35.41.png
@chris The forum is just for logged-in users. So, you have to log in first. You can do it with the following login details: user: support b...
@chris Thank you very much! It works. 👍 Have a nice time!!
@chris Hi Chris, yes, this would be great, when you can tell me the code. Thank you!