@sofy Thank you for fixing the code. I have tested it out on my site using two different browsers and am getting an interesting new issue. It seems...
@sofy Thank you for the clarification. I added the code using WPCode as a PHP snippet, but unfortunately it does not seem to be working. When I pas...
I am very interested in this code as I am using a custom URL for my login page due to a membership plugin. Can you confirm where I should add this c...
I also just setup a new forum that needs to have manual approval and the password reset function is deacivating the members' accounts. This would be g...
I'm having this same issue, and can confirm that affected members do have numbered usernames because they are autogenerated from a third-party system....
@robert Thanks for your honesty. I think the best thing to do will be to delete the user account and have him create a new one, and hopefully the new ...
@robert Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I have checked all of these things. And the email notification system is working for others, ...
I decided that instead of troubleshooting an old version of wpForo and my staging site with the upgrade did not seem to have the same issue, that I wo...
@robert I am still testing V2 and the 2022 theme on a staging site to make sure it works with my current site, and that I can adjust the css to look h...
@realact That's an interesting note. I am using AAM Advanced Access Manager to adjust permissions of the user groups. I'm not sure though why a user w...
And log from Mailgun that email went to registered members. Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.06.28-PM.png
Same profile when logged in as admin. Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.05.10-PM.png
Profile when logged in as member. Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.04.43-PM.png