Eminent Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 17
RE: Users become inactive when changing passwords

I also just setup a new forum that needs to have manual approval and the password reset function is deacivating the members' accounts. This would be g...

1 year ago
RE: Problems with PMs for User Profile

I'm having this same issue, and can confirm that affected members do have numbered usernames because they are autogenerated from a third-party system....

1 year ago
RE: Is there a way to troubleshoot a member not being send email notifications?

@robert Thanks for your honesty. I think the best thing to do will be to delete the user account and have him create a new one, and hopefully the new ...

2 years ago
RE: Is there a way to troubleshoot a member not being send email notifications?

@robert Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I have checked all of these things. And the email notification system is working for others, ...

2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 364
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

I decided that instead of troubleshooting an old version of wpForo and my staging site with the upgrade did not seem to have the same issue, that I wo...

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

@robert I am still testing V2 and the 2022 theme on a staging site to make sure it works with my current site, and that I can adjust the css to look h...

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

@realact That's an interesting note. I am using AAM Advanced Access Manager to adjust permissions of the user groups. I'm not sure though why a user w...

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

And log from Mailgun that email went to registered members.  Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.06.28-PM.png

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

Same profile when logged in as admin.  Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.05.10-PM.png

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

Profile when logged in as member.  Screen-Shot-2022-08-29-at-1.04.43-PM.png

2 years ago
RE: MAJOR BUG - Subscribe to all topics includes restricted forums

Perhaps this is an issue that has arisen over the last update or two, but here are screenshots to confirm it happened.  Screen-Shot-2022-08...

2 years ago
RE: can't delete moderated post

@chris Thank you for the information. Even with my limited knowledge of SQL I was able to find the posts with a status of "1" and delete them from the...

3 years ago
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