using wpforo 1.3.1, wordpress 4.8, Onepress 1.4.0, extended classic layout. Just had a bunch of spam posted and when I delete the spam post. I found t...
Posted by: Robert That's not available yet. You can do that in database. Find the target TopicID in _wpforo_topic table ,Get the ForumID of this topic...
Posted by: Robert That's not available yet. You can do that in database. Find the target TopicID in _wpforo_topic table ,Get the ForumID of this topic...
Everlightbox works with wpforo and WP posts/pages. Though the wpforo gvectors embeds lightbox is faster.Exopite Lightbox35 has an impressive interface...
Posted by: Robert Hi iTesla and nando4, Please try to disable HTML cache in Forums > Settings > Features admin page (for both issues). Then navi...
@Robert, can you advise how the "Display Name" user profile data can be prevented from change? I've removed it from profile-account.php but then user ...
@Robert, I had a queued post awaiting moderator approval. Once approved, the Online Members widget appears for non-logged in users. How can I fix this...
@Robert, the Online Members widget on the wpforo sidebar no longer shows users for non-logged in view. Just a big blank area. I've followed other's ad...
BUG: Admin user cannot open PM attachment "you are not permitted to view this attachment" This was working fine in 1.2.0 when viewed earlier today.Had...
Robert, I've changed from 500->20 topics, deleted the caches and now again non-logged in view sees only 20 topics without pagination. Eg:
@Robert, the problem is still present for non-logged in users. There is currently no pagination enabled due to applying this workaround noted previous...
Robert, than you for having a look. As mentioned in my email: 1. there are no wpforo templates in my onepress theme directory as can be seen in the ...
@Robert, email sent with details.