I could try disabling all wpForo caching. Do you think that would help?
Thanks for your time you put in replying to this issue. No, we don't use any other caching plugins. This problem occured with a user who is logged in...
Well, I emptied the cache of my browser and I did "Delete All Caches" in the wpForo dashboard, to no avail. I am jusing version 1.3.1 of wpForo, BTW.
Any additional news on this addon yet? I am also eagerly awaiting it 🙂
You are right and I was wrong saying that we do not use 3th party plugins. I now see we do, we use "WP Approve User" for the (manual) user approval. S...
In our forum we require user approval when someone registers. The situation is thus: when someone registers and this person use the same email address...
If I understand correctly the only thing I have to do to use the .mo files is to set the the website language in the WordPress dashboard under "settin...
I perfectly understand. Could this perhaps be promoted to a "feature request"?
Thanks: I will look into that.
Wonderful, that works, thank you!
I followed your guidance quite carefully and it is really odd but this seems to work for all messages (including notifications) but this one. Eg. we a...
I could still use some help on this. In the example you show it is pretty clear that the "p"is not part of the main text, but in the standard wpforo i...