Estimable Member
Topics: 19 / Replies: 58
Replies: 2
Views: 1028
Replies: 0
Views: 557
RE: Feature Request: Subscribe to Member (User)

Hi @sofy, no pressure, just wondering if there has been any movement on this.

4 years ago
RE: Ignore / mute user feature

@meibukan76 I'm curious to hear what you think about this feature request: As far as I can tell, it's the opposite of what you're asking for,...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

Thanks so much for your help on this @alvina. I fixed it accidentally by disabling my WooCommerce ACH Stripe Gateway plugin: I disabled that pl...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Hmmm, any ideas where I should go to fix it? Could it be another plugin causing the problem? The functions.php file? I don't have the tinymc...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Sorry about that. That would be helpful wouldn't it 🙂 Here you go: Also, I just learned today that this same problem is happening with th...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Oops, nevermind, I'm still having the problem. It looks like I can create new Topics without any trouble or click the REPLY button to reply to...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Sorry for the delay, missed your reply somehow. Thanks for pointing out that area. I had never been in that area before. There were a bunch of...

4 years ago
4 years ago
RE: Forum Organization, Infinite Scroll, and Human Nature

Sweet! I'll check that out! I'm using Simplified layout currently.

5 years ago
RE: Forum Organization, Infinite Scroll, and Human Nature

One of the users in my forums creating a post asking about creating a Slack Channel instead of using wpForo. I had a phone conversation with him today...

5 years ago
RE: post/reply via email?

This would be nice to have as a paid add-on. I've been getting more and more people reply via email now that the email notifications contain the ful...

5 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.7.5 is released!

I use Custom Fields so this looks VERY interesting. Can you elaborate on the merged Profile Page option?

5 years ago
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