Estimable Member
Topics: 32 / Replies: 42
RE: Can't make replies. The "reply box" is invisible

@alvina Can you double check if the topic is private - I can access it without logging in So the CSS issues I mean is that I use the following cod...

5 years ago
RE: Cant make replies with new update

@alvina username: poisionivypassword: yi($^rT)MyLv2%mci5J$0#qW

5 years ago
RE: Cant make replies with new update

I've tried both solutions after updating but the textbox still disappears

5 years ago
RE: Scroll through image attachments?

@veramilo Yeah the advanced attachment plugin does that the embed plugin does that as well but without the lightbox

5 years ago
RE: Incorporating a maths keyboard to wpforo keyboard

@sofy Thanks for the insight. Really appreciate the help, will look into the plugins you suggested and more plugins.

5 years ago
RE: Cant make replies with new update

The typing area has vanished edit: for the time being i rollbacked the wpforo version to 1.7.2

5 years ago
RE: Login/Register Widget

@moonshadows   Your forum looks really nice - its come a long way since I first saw it. Did you style your sidebar widgets to have that sor...

5 years ago
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