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RE: How to register for only one user group?
39 Relevance |
7 years ago |
Robert |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Hi Clare,
Please find my answers below:
2. They log in the Wordpress site and can see a page to register, with the WP Foro registration form on it
3. They complete the form that will give them access to ONLY the user group that goes with the level of access they have purchased.
This is a wrong logic. wpForo and WordPress users are the same. There is no way to register or login twice. If a user is registered on WordPress it's already registered in wpForo automatically. When user login it's already logged in for wpForo too. There is no way to login in WP then register in wpForo. If you want them to fill cutom fields they need to go their My Profile > Account page and fill user custom fields. I hope you've already added these custom fields for Account / Profile and registration forms, not only in registration form. So you have nothing to do, just let them login and they'll be able to access according forums. You just need to change users usergroup after registration in WP. Usergroup can be changed in Dashboard > Users > Edit Users screen (scroll down and find wpForo Usergroup) or if you'r admin you can navigate to user Profile > Account page on forum front end and change there.
In other words, they can't complete any form, because this form is registration form and the user is already registered in WP. This user is already logged in and he/she already has Usergroup with according accesses to forums. You just need to change Usergroup of new registered user to control accesses to certain forum. |
RE: auto populate display name from entry of firstname and lastname on same form
38 Relevance |
3 years ago |
Ken Fern |
General Discussions |
UCF addon has the functionality to be able to add the firstname, lastname, displayname, and nickname field to the registration form and for that information to then show up thereafter under account (although this is indeed not working for me but we are working through that) but what I'm looking for here is when someone is on the the registration form, for ease of use, when someone inputs the first name and last name fields, again on the same registration form, for it to auto populate the displayname field on that same form with firstname lastname. The user then can skip populating the displayname field on the form and take what was auto populated from firstname and lastname fields or overwrite it with whatever they want for display name.
On registration form:
1. User populates firstname and lastname field.
2. The Display Name field is auto populated with whatever they put in step 1.
I do not believe UCF addon has that particular functionality natively? I believe I would need to add some type of script/code snipped on top to be able to do this? |
RE: User Custom Fields data
38 Relevance |
6 years ago |
Robert |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Thank you @offercreek,
All custom field data are stored as a serialized array in WordPress database wp_wpforo_profiles table's fields column. When you create a custom fields you should add those custom fields on according profile pages too. For example on user profile page or on user account page. If those are already added you can simply navigate to that user account page and see all information. Adding custom fields to Profile page: Adding custom fields to Account page:
For further support please open a support topic at gVectors Support forum. Here we only support the free core wpForo plugin. |
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?
38 Relevance |
4 years ago |
Robert |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Ok, thank you. Please remove this part:
// Quitar redes sociales del foro
function my_custom_account_fields( $fields ){
$remove_fields = array('facebook', 'gtalk', 'aim', 'msn', 'twitter', 'yahoo', 'icq', 'skype');
if( !empty($fields) ){
foreach( $fields as $r => $rows ){
foreach( $rows as $c => $cols ){
foreach( $cols as $f => $field ){
if( wpfval($field, 'name') && in_array($field['name'], $remove_fields) ){
return $fields;
add_filter( 'wpforo_get_account_fields', 'my_custom_account_fields');
And insert this code:
function my_custom_account_fields( $fields ){ $remove_fields = array('facebook', 'gtalk', 'aim', 'msn', 'twitter', 'yahoo', 'icq', 'skype'); if( !empty($fields) ){ foreach( $fields as $r => $rows ){ foreach( $rows as $c => $cols ){ foreach( $cols as $f => $field ){ if( $field && in_array($field, $remove_fields) ){ unset($fields[$r][$c][$f]); } } } } } return $fields;}add_filter( 'wpforo_get_account_fields', 'my_custom_account_fields'); |
wpForo 1.4.0 is released!
37 Relevance |
7 years ago |
Robert |
wpForo Announcements |
We just released wpForo 1.4.0 version!
First I'd like to explain why this version took such a long time. As you may already know, we were getting many requests to create a powerful solution for wpForo user profile system. Our users want to have a single use profile page with ability to customize user profile fields and registration form. And we started working on wpForo User Custom Field addon a few month ago.
This addon is released with current wpForo 1.4.0. It allows to built an advanced user profile system with custom registration form, member search form, account settings form and profile page. We've rebuilt whole profile system, then made it dynamic in wpForo core to allow this addon manage forum profile system. With these changes we also redesigned user profile home and account page.
Besides this we've added lots of new features and fixed many bugs, please see the change-log below:
Added: Advanced user profile systemAdded: Redesigned profile home and account settings page
Added: topic and Post front-end moderation (approve/unapprove),
Added: Forum Description in topic list (forum page)
Added: Hide Add topic button on click,
Added: General RSS Feed for Forums and topics
Added: Option to change default Usergroup for new registered users,
New Addon: wpForo - User Custom fields
Other Changes
Added: User search and filter options for Member search form,
Added: Paste as text button on editor toolbar,
Added: SEO friendly H1 tags for forum and topic titles,
Added: wpForo SEO Open Graph - Image Information for FB share,
Added: Option to change default User Title for new registered users,
Added: Option to select Forum Access when creating a new Usergroup,
Added: Website language depended cache, language path issue with cached URLs,
Added: More speed with new intuitive caching and cache deleting functions,
Added: Boost database speed, new indexes for fresh installation,
Added: Make profile links nofollow when profile page indexing is disabled,
Added: Spanish Translation (es_ES), many thanks to Ignacio Sancho (ISANlab)
Added: French Translation (fr_CA), many thanks to Alain Bergevin
Added: Portuguese (Brazil) Translation (pt_BR), many thanks to Lucas Felix,
Updated: German Translation (de_DE), many thanks to uve GmbH | Pascal Feiler.
Fixed Bugs
Fixed Bug: Filter and display subSite specific users on WP MultiSite,
Fixed Bug: Incorrect counting of synchronized users,
Fixed Bug: Usergroup permission issue(unused CANs on profile page),
Fixed Bug: Unapproved topics redirect to login page,
Fixed Bug: Redirects to account edit page after registration is successfully,
Fixed Bug: Pagination issue, gets request uri function, checks protocols,
Fixed Bug: Warning: Invalid argument supplied in /wpforo.php on line 141,
Fixed Bug: Backslash slashes in email title and content,
Fixed Bug: Search result affects page layout and sidebar,
Fixed Bug: Typos and wrong phrases,
Fixed Bug: Not colored wide left border of menu items,
Fixed Bug: Chrome support for wpForo Feed XML,
Fixed Bug: Private forums on search form's forum list
Fixed Bug: Dynamic colors issue when file writing permission is denied for colors.css
IMPORTANT (updating notes)
If you have a customized copy of wpForo template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update them. wpForo 1.4.0 requires new template files.
If you see style issues after update, please refresh forum page twice or do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to load new styles.
If you have wpForo addons, please update them right after wpForo update. Don't update them before wpForo update.
In case you update forum and you have a large database, please make your forum faster using this instruction... to load your customized colors please refresh forum front-end page twice.
If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpForo update.
If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it. |
RE: Problem with ACF fields, Custom Fields add-on, Registration and Account forms
37 Relevance |
4 years ago |
amityweb |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
I think the main user account may be linked or synced, like login. I assume it is.
But if you add custom fields to the WP under account, for example some other plugin (in my case Advanced Custom fields), then WPForo is not linking those 100%. WPForo shows them on its registration from which is great, BUT does not then add them in the WPForo user profile, so the user has no way to change them in WPForo.
So what I did was use gravity forms to have an update profile form, then embed that in a tab in WPForo.
It wasn't that complicated once I had the idea.
Its only because we want our registration form to go on a non-WPForo page, so we cant use WPForo as it does not have a shortcode to embed its form, we have to use a custom registration form, but WPForo wont integrate it. |
RE: WPForo + User Custom Fields - Registration form entries are not posting
36 Relevance |
7 years ago |
Robert |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Hi arvopart,
I'm sorry but I didn't follow you. Do you use wpForo User Custom fields addon? If so why you're writing custom code on registration form? This addon allows to do that in Dashboard > Forums > User fields admin page, just navigate to registration form tab and customize the form.
For farther support please open a support topic in gVectors Store support forum. This is the free core support community, we don't support addons here. |
How to configure topic custom fields ordering in Search/Filter form
36 Relevance |
11 months ago |
user1 |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
With the topic Custom fields addon, the topic custom fields are displayed under the 'Filter by custom fields' in the Search/Filter form. I'm wondering how to configure the ordering that the fields appear? I tried changing the ordering in the fields tab in the topic fields page in wp-admin, however when it is saved, the ordering reverts back to the order in which the fields were created.
I also tried using the filter hook, wpforo_custom_fields_filter, but can't get it to work yet. How to best resolve this?
Thanks! |
RE: Problem with ACF fields, Custom Fields add-on, Registration and Account forms
36 Relevance |
4 years ago |
amityweb |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Thanks. All they need is a registration form shortcode, then problem solved, no need to use ACF.
I found a work around, may work for us.
In Custom fields add on, add on a HTML tab, and in the html add the Gravity forms shortcode to embed the user profile update form, that is linked to ACF.
In the ACF register form, add in extra fields that WPForo may add, like privacy checkbox and things. So basically mimic same form as WPForo in Gravity forms.
So this looks like it may be fine now, but embedding WPForo register form would be the ideal situation. |
RE: Is there a way to customize the Account page?
35 Relevance |
5 years ago |
Sofy |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Hi @daveordid,
you can hide these fields using CSS code like this. E.g. to hide the MSN you should use the following code:
.wpf-field.wpf-field-type-text.wpf-field-name-msn { display: none !important;}
Please add the CSS code in "Custom CSS code" textarea located in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page.
You can find all classes by pressing F12 on the browser and opening Chrome or Firefox Console:
I'd also suggest you check out the following support topic. Here Robert explained how to change the fields icons and phrases:
You can also purchase the wpForo Users Custom fields addon and customize User registration fields, Account fields, Profile fields and Member Search fields based on your created custom user fields:
This addon is designed to extend forum profile system. |
RE: Adding an additional field to the default registration page
34 Relevance |
6 years ago |
Sofy |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Hi @neilrichards,
Please check out the following article:
I'd also suggest you check out wpForo - User Custom fields add-on: |
wpForo 1.7.1 is released!
33 Relevance |
5 years ago |
Robert |
wpForo Announcements |
We just released wpForo 1.7.1 version!
We've fixed many bugs and added new features. wpForo JS and CSS files are optimized. The performance is also improved.
Important update notes
Some JS and CSS files are changed, please refresh (press Ctrl+F5) on forum front-end twice to reset browser cache, otherwise you'll see crashed design.
If you have a Cache or Minifier/Optimizer plugins please delete all caches after wpForo update.
If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.
Forum template files are modified. The modifications were made in layout files to add "jump to unread post" functionality. Also, the header.php is modified and added User Notification Bell in the menu bar section. If you have an old customized copies of forum template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update those.
Main Changes
1. Many changes and options in Recent Posts widget and page
Added: Unread / Read bold title indicator in Recent Posts widget
Added: Option to display [new] indicator in Recent Posts widget
Added: Option to only display unread posts in Recent Posts widget
Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page
1.1 Now recent posts are displaying with bold titles in Recent Posts widget if a post is unread. Also, there is an option in widget to display the [new] indicator for unread posts.
1.2 In case if you want to use the Recent Posts widget as Unread Post widget you can enable the "Display only unread posts" option. The read/unread status is deeply logged only for logged-in users so this widget will be hidden for guests.
2. Besides already existing In-forum notification types, we've also added user @mentioning notification.
3. Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL.
4. Frontend Admin Control Panel with quick links at the bottom of all forums.
5. Frontend info-box and instruction to protect user registration form.
Added: WordPress 5.4 compatibility
Added: In-forum notification when user is @mentioned
Added: Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL
Added: Unread / Read bold title indicator in Recent Posts widget
Added: Option to display [new] indicator in Recent Posts widget
Added: Option to only display unread posts in Recent Posts widget
Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page
Added: Bulk change of members usergroup in Forums > Members admin page
Added: New post reporting dialog, removed jQuery UI files.
Added: Dashboard note and instruction to protect user registration form
Added: Frontend info-box and instruction to protect user registration form
Added: ru_RU Translation update by wpForo.RU Team
Added: WhatsApp and LinkedIn Share Buttons
Added: Redirect to previous page after user login
Added: [Create Account] button on forum login page
Added: Frontend Admin Control Panel with quick links at the bottom of all forums
Added: Filter hook `wpforo_member_nicename`
Added: Filter hook `wpforo_direct_topic_url` to turn on direct links without #postid
Added: Filter hook `wpforo_get_notifications_args` to filter notifications by different arguments
New Option: Stop sending emails to Admins on new user registration
New Option: Overwrite WordPress new user registration email to admins
New Option: Overwrite WordPress new user registration email to users
Performance: Less SQL queries on forum pages and zero affection on non-forum pages.
Optimization: JS and CSS files are optimized, faster page loading.
Optimization: Removed lots of inline JavaScript codes with phrases
Addons: Private Message notifications are integrated with forum notification system
Fixed Bug: Password is required when user updates profile fields
Fixed Bug: Mobile view issues in Simplified and threaded layouts under the avatar
Fixed Bug: Email templates line-breaks and formatting issues
Fixed Bug: Notification bell tooltip translation issue
Fixed Bug: Strip slashes of notification description
Fixed Bug: Broken solved status of Q&A layout topics
Fixed Bug: Disable Forum Tab URLs if BP Forum Tab integration is disabled
Fixed Bug: Disable Forum Tab URLs if UM Forum Tab integration is disabled
Fixed Bug: Empty list item on Split topic form
Fixed Bug: Disable registration page when forum registration is disabled
Fixed Bug: Remove brackets from search phrase
Fixed Bug: Removed Google+ Share Button
Fixed Bug: Regular pages open as forum 404 page
Fixed Bug: Login redirect to 404 page |
Seeking assistance solving new users not getting a confirmation emails on WP Multisite
33 Relevance |
4 years ago |
Hansie |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
Problem: When a new user registers through WPForo, they do not receive a confirmation/activation email.
I know this is a popular question, and I understand from what I have read, that this is potentially a WP config issue.I'm just hoping someone can give some assistance trying to fix or debug this issue.After 3 days of digging through forum posts, code, tables, the WP codex, etc, I have no idea what the problem may be.
My website is running Wordpress 5.6 MultiSite, WPForo 1.9.3, serving 2 domains (same content in 2 different languages - using Multisite Language Switcher to switch between the 2 sites/languages).
The table prefix for the main domain is "wp_", for the second domain this is "wp_2_".On MultiSite there is only one table for users, used by both domains.
I've tested this with 3 different email addresses - 3 different domains, none of them the same domain as the server domains.
Observation before activating (!) an account, which makes me think something is going wrong here;
- When signing up through WPForo, :
The user is added to the wp_users table even before activation. The user is not added to the wp_signups table (MultiSite specific table).No activation email for the new user send.
- When signing up with the WP native signup form (wp-signup.php):
The user is not added to the wp_users table.The user is however added to the wp_signups table.Proper activation email send for the new user. Only after clicking the activation link, the user will be added to wp_users.
I suspect this is a MultiSite specific issue, but that's just a guess based on digging through all the settings, tables, code, forum posts, etc. Maybe this could be related to the WP API calls versus the WPMU API calls to register a new user?
Things I have tested and tried on the main site, based on the How-To in this forum;
1. Check your Spam / Junk folder.
Email does not go to Junk mail.
2. Disable all other plugins and test it again.
This did not make a difference.
3. Make sure your server email sender works well. Make sure you receive emails from your WordPress (on registration or on other cases...). You can check it in Dashboard > Forums > tools > Debug > Errors & issues admin page.
No errors here, tables OK, no issues reported either.Users and Admins do receive WPForo emails (topic notifications, etc).
4. Install SMTP plugin. The new one is Post SMTP. Do a test email sending via Post SMTP.
Test email got send correctly, and the log shows all WPForo emails that do work (eg. subscription notifications, notifications for the admins, etc). However ... the new user confirmation emails are never listed in the log (like they were never asked to be send to begin with).
5. Some shared hosting services, or some Antispam plugins try to cache emails and those are not being sent immediately. You should wait 1-30 min (e.g.: on some GoDaddy hosting plans you receive emails in 45 min).
Waited 24 hours, still no confirmation emails for new users.
6. If you're using GMail Fetch services, go to Gmail Settings > Accounts and Import and click on "Check mail now" link to load all new comments from website email server.
Not using GMail Fetch Services.
7. Make sure the "Anyone Can Register" option is enabled in WordPress Settings > General page.
MultiSite does not have that option.On the main site, "Settings"->"Network Settings"->"User accounts may be registered" is enabled.Not sure if this is comparable to the "Anyone Can Register" option though.
8. Make sure the "Enable User registration email confirmation" option is enabled in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page.
This option is enabled. I've tested with this enabled, disabled and enabled again. Still no email for new users.
9. Disable wpForo and use the WordPress native registration form to test. The native registration form can be found with this URL.
I honestly did not even dare to do disable WPForo - being afraid I'd somehow damage the forum data and have to rebuild everything. However the native registration form does work (wp-signup.php).
Note: with "Replace registration Page URL to Forum registration Page URL" enabled in WPForo, the native registration form still works! |
Help with user custom fields addon
33 Relevance |
2 years ago |
perisaibanten165 |
How-to and Troubleshooting |
hey.. i just bought and installed the user custom fields addon on my wpforo plugin for wordpress..i got several problem here and i really need help :
1. it says there is a feature for custom registration and profile field.. so i made some field for registration and profile form.. i got problem with the " file upload " field, i put that field on my profile and account form.. its called " sertifikat " with jpg,jpeg,png images for certificate in hope that the account owner will be able to upload a certificate image and shows in profile,
the problem is.. that field wont showing
even if i have already upload the image in edit account
The other field are working just fine but why my "upload file" field wont show any image?what is the purpose of " upload file " field if i can't see what ive just uploaded?
so i really apreciate any help for this, i want to make a certificate image to be shown in their profile
2. the next problem is.... i have already made my custom registration field form.. its done... and i dont want to make email as requirements because some of my user might have no email. so i make it like this
and i already set the registration one step by disabling the "Enable User registration email confirmation" option in Dashboard> Forums > Settings > Features admin page. so the email field will not be removed but the registration will not require email confirmation and password reset steps
BUT THE PROBLEM IS .. I STILL NEED to FILL EMAIL FOR registration.. even if ive done all like the image above... also The password field, i already make that field minimum text to 3 characters .. its still says that i need to fill password above 6 characters
3. The last problem is.. I ALREADY CHECK THE " ENABLE USER MANUALLY APPROVAL SYSTEM " in the wpforo setting.. but why when i try to make a test account and fill all forms including email even if i make it non requirements, then what happen is my new test account is AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED.. ?? usually i will have to go to dashboard > user > all users and then approve any account here..
any solutions for me? please guide |