This is a continuation from my question about adding tables. I wanted to draw wider attention to the editor as a whole. In the original topic, I asked if the editor could be expanded upon, specifically to allow the editor menu to be visible. I've since gotten it to work by editing the php myself in combination with the Advanced Editor Tools plugin.
There's an interesting effect where half of the toolbar works when drafting a post and the other half when editing the post, eventhough all instances of php hooks which calls the editor buttons look exactly the same.
Needless to say, trying to get wpForo to comply with your needs by editing the php isn't very user-friendly. At the same time, the editor options wpForo does give by default are limited to put it nicely.
I'd like for wpForo 2.0 to have either a richer text editor or, better yet, a customizable text editor like the Advanced Editor Tools. Alternatively, to have AET intergration and take over wpForo's classic editor completely.
Hi @ananimelover,
wpForo editor is the same TinyMCE editor, it'll not be changed in 2.0 version,
So i'm very pleased, if you will give me a lift
the open source plugins for the editor you can see here >
you can activate all of them for wpforo
if there is one for your purposes you have to test
maybe the template plugin
ut how does it go in the other way?
my code for more buttons currently looks like this
add_filter( 'wpforo_editor_settings', function( $settings ){ if ( empty( $settings['tinymce'] ) || ! is_array( $settings['tinymce'] ) ) $settings['tinymce'] = []; $settings['plugins'] = 'compat3x,fullscreen,hr,paste,textcolor,lists,table,visualblocks,visualchars,insertdatetime,charmap,searchreplace,anchor,advlist'; $settings['tinymce']['toolbar1'] = 'fontsizeselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,forecolor,bullist,numlist,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,alignjustify,link,unlink,blockquote,pre,wpf_spoil,undo,redo,pastetext,source_code,emoticons,fullscreen'; $settings['tinymce']['toolbar2'] = 'cut,subscript,superscript,outdent,indent,backcolor,removeformat,table,visualblocks,visualchars,insertdatetime,formats,charmap,styleselect,fontselect,searchreplace,anchor'; return $settings; });
toolbar 1 standard buttons
toolbar 2 new Buttons
remove buttons you don't need
the missing TinyMCE plugins you have to add under
wp-includes > js > tinymce > plugins
so that the buttons are not displayed in the signature editor, add the empty toolbar2
/** * start init tinymce settings */ $wp_editor_settings = WPF()->tpl->editor_buttons(); $wp_editor_settings['tinymce']['toolbar1'] = 'bold,italic,link,unlink,undo,redo,source_code,emoticons'; $wp_editor_settings['tinymce']['toolbar2'] = ''; $wp_editor_settings['plugins'] = '';
wpforo > classes > member.php