Hi everyone, I still haven't made that step into 2.0 yet, but eager to ASAP. I am just wondering how things are going? Is anyone still having any major issues? Any major bugs to report? Is everyone who has moved over to 2.0 happy with it? Is your site working fine and all that?
Any input on how things are going would be great to hear 🙂 It seems as if everything is going smooth enough right?
In general i haven't seen any major (critical) issues with wpforo2. People who had crashes, was because of old forum addons and converters still active or some 3rd party seo plugin.
So i would stay it was (is) very stable. I hate DB issues and errors, and there is none after the beta.
Some guys have sync issues with members (reading here) but it is unclear if this is really and issue.
2.0.6 fixed most issues, so, yeah, smooth and stable.
@percysgrowroom I was avoiding going V2 for fear of it breaking my site. Long story short, I screwed up and ended up updating my live site to V2, and with no backup etc. YIKES!
Despite my panicking big time, (dimalifragis kept me calm) my site was pretty much working. The biggest thing was I could not access any topics/threads. Robert advised that was a simple fix, I had a theme template, Robert said to just remove it and when I did, everything, and I mean everything, worked.
I should not have been so fearful, the Wpforo team and all the beta testers did superb work to ensure we have a good upgrade path. That's not to say you won't have problems, but maybe not as bad as you think. Certainly my unplanned upgrade went way smoother than I thought, and I'm so glad I'm on V2, it's fantastic.
Awesome, thanks for the input everyone, look like i need to prepare to do mine then lol
I'm still using wpForo version...waiting for Google release they 'Helpful Content Update' algoritm.