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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Access problems when more than one role is associated with a user

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We're running WPForo on a client site and after a good amount of troubleshooting, we've come to the conclusion that for reasons that escape us, our forum will not admit a valid member if that member also has another role associated with them in WordPress.

We've tried the usual stuff, including synching WPF with WP but nothing works except removing any roles other than the member role.

Hoping this is some silly config issue we've overlooked and not something code related...


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Hi @exnihilo,

Please make a screenshot of "Usergroups" Admin page in full size,  You can find the Admin page from Dashboard > Forum > Usergroups.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Here's the screenshot you requested.


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Thank you @exnihilo,

Now please explain how does your membership plugin works and what do you mean saying "our forum will not admit a valid member", why it should admit a member, what is the working logic?

In any case I'd recommend the following:

The Registered and Public Guests usergroup are synchronized to the same "subscriber" usergroup, this means they are not synced. Each usergroup should be synced to one user role. Create another user role and make sure each usergroup is synced. There should not be "Not Synced" information in the bottom table.


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@robert Hi, by "valid member", I'm referring to the user role of basic_member which belongs to the MemberPress usergroup -- Member Press being the plugin we use to allow users to pay a recurring subscription to join the forum. The site also sells products so if a user purchases something in WooCommerce, they naturally are assigned the Customer role in WordPress. The problem is that some customers also join the forum, at which point, they are also assigned the basic_member role which we've set up in WPF to allow them full access to the forum. To restate the problem, this particular dynamic (a user that has both a basic_member and customer role in WP) can't access the forum, even though one of their roles (basic_member) grants them that access. I understand your point about the Subscriber role being mapped to two user groups, but that should in any way be related to the problem we're trying to solve.

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I'm sorry but I cannot follow to the issue and understand it. Your issue is too mixed and depends on tons of configuration and permissions. It's impossible to help you based on your texts.

Please try to explain the issue, using one user and one forum one membership level one usergroup.

Leave a screenshot of the user usergroup permissions, if the user have two usergroups then leave the two usergroup permissions screenshot.

Then leave screenshot of the forum edit page (usergroup forum access settings) where he/she  should not have access.

Then leave screenshots of the usergroup forum accesses (permissions checkboxes)

Then explain step by step from registration to the issue what's going on.


I think this is a Member Press plugin issue, it doesn't use regular hooks to change the user roles so wpForo cannot update user roles automatically. In any case we're still trying to help you. Integration issues are not the issues that we can 100% help.

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@robert this is not a complex issue. In fact, it has nothing to with MemberPress not creating the right role. MemberPress creates a role called basic_member. This role is granted access to the forum. Any user with this role works PERFECTLY.

What doesn't work is if that same user purchases a product in WooCommerce and now also has customer role associated with them.

This issue was shown quite clearly in the screenshots I provided earlier. 

My client paid for your product and the support that comes with it. If you personally are unable to solve this issue, please escalate this to someone that can.




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So the problem comes from the Customer Usergroup? What does the Customer Usergroup? Does it grant  wrong accesses? Please continue explaining the issue from this point.


Posted by: @exnihilo

My client paid for your product and the support that comes with it.

We don't support any paid product here. This is the free wpForo support forum. The sales and the support of the paid addon doesn't have any relation to this forum. If you need support for paid addons then you should open a new topic in the gVectors Support forum with your customer account:

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@robert The customer user group is a default WordPress/WooCommerce role that is granted to anyone who purchases something in WooCommerce.


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Posted by: @exnihilo

What doesn't work is if that same user purchases a product in WooCommerce and now also has customer role associated with them.

Ok, but what is the problem, I asked you to continue explaining the problem from that paint. I'm still trying to understand the issue.

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@robert The problem is that now the user cannot access the forum. When they attempt to login, the system says they do not have a valid role.

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Can't login? wpForo has zero relation to user login and authorization process. You can disable wpForo and test the login with the default WordPress login form and see the same error. If this is a login issue then this should be reported in either Memberpress or WooCommerce or WordPress support forums.

Also, you should know that Usergroups (not the User roles) has zero relation to user authorization and login, usergroups are created by wpForo and only used in displaying forums and topics.

Moreover, wpForo doesn't use and doesn't change User roles. The only connection with user roles is the point where wpForo mirror (sync) users Usergroups and add new usergroup to user. 

In other words the login and authorization error is not wpForo / usergroup issue. It's great that you mentioned the issue. We were spending time on nothing. Again, wpForo and wpForo Usergroups has nothing to do with login and you should open a support topic in WordPress, then Memberpress, then WooCommerce support forums.

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As I mentioned in my very first reply, users with more than one role are denied access to the forum. It's not a login or auth issue it's a permissions issue..,.

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@exnihilo ,

Please use exact words, I cannot remember all discussion thread. Ok, now lets go further and check what Usergeoups (not user roles) has that user. I want to know whether the customer usergroup become the only usergroup or it's added as a secondary usergroup. Please edit that user in Dashboard > Users admin page and take a screenshot of this part:


Also, please leave a screenshot of the Forum Access which is granted to Customer usergroup in The top category and forum/subforum where he/she cannot access anymore.


We need go step by step with a real case to find the problem maker point.