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[Solved] All Login Links Redirecting to WPforo Page

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We're using WPforo and Membermouse together, so that our forum is only accessible to a certain membership level. This protection is working great.

Because our whole site is accessed by membership levels, we have set WPforo to use our existing login, password-reset, and registration pages. We have the existing pages listed in WPforo settings, both in Settings > Login & Registration, and in General Settings > Permalinks.

However, when a logged-out user clicks the Sign In link at the top-right of our site, instead of being brought to the login page, they are brought to the forum main page. (Logged-out users and users without the right membership level see text on that page prompting them to log in or join – this is what should be there 😊)

I have tried changing the Sign In link by using the WPforo shortcode, and by hard-linking it to, and in both cases the same issue happens – the forum page loads.

I have excluded WPforo pages from our caching plugin.

I've read through dozens of forum posts about login pages, and haven't found an issue quite like this one.

Any help or insight would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance!

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Posts: 8
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I'm updating this before the post was approved by a moderator, because I think I have addressed the problem.

Both WPforo and MemberMouse use /login/ as the login page. So obviously my attempt to use the MemberMouse/default login page was just setting WPforo to use its default login page.

I changed the slug of the login page associated with MemberMouse login, deleted the custom authorization setting I'd put into WPforo, and now the proper login page loads.