Hi @fengshuibalanz,
just read that you translated wpForo into German. Which version you did? Informal or formally German? Background of my question: Today I made the informal version of the translation. If you did the formal, I would also provide my translation. (I am native, too. 😉 )
Best regards,
Hey Birgit, it would be nice, if you could send me the translation file 🙂
to: info@fernwartung.de
Thank you!
(I am from Germany, so for now I speak german with you)
Bist du die Übersetzerin? Wenn ja, muss ich dich darauf aufmerksam machen, dass deine Übersetzung leider sehr schlecht ist. "VON E-Mail-Adresse", "Add_new" usw., sind wirklich schreckliche Übersetzungen. Das klingt wie Google Übersetzer, warum hast du das so hochgeladen? (Und nicht GlotPress genutzt?)
Thank you very much for helping us to get wpForo translated in this very important language "German". I want to ask you do the translation in wpForo Language directory at wordpress.org: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/de/default/wp-plugins/wpforo/
Whom do you mean?