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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Change icon color when a new post is published.

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4. Read / Unread (forums, topics and posts) and View unread posts 

Before this version release wpForo was only logging forum and topic views. Now the logging is changed and based on unread posts, topics and forums. wpForo displays bold titles and colored icons of forums if it has new content since your last visit. Topic titles are also balded if it contains a new posts. This change also allows you to see Unread Posts by clicking the according link in Forum Footer or in Recent Posts page.

I'm sure that I accidentally disabled this feature, where can I check that option?
I searched everywhere, tried many things, and did not find it. You can help me with this, please??

Sorry for my english, and thanks for all work, guys!! 🤗 

I attached an image of what I would like to happen.

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Hi @morocho,

Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features tab, make sure the "Log Viewed Forums and Topics" option is enabled. 

Posts: 4
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Joined: 5 years ago

Oh, hahahahah.. Excelent! I could not interpret that.. 
It worked! Sorry and thanks you so much!! 😀