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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Cluttered Text Issue

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I am using WpForo along with Buddypress  and whatever my users post in WpForo is also shown in BuddyPress activity (This is normal).

My issue is that:

#. The Wpforo activity (reply, comment, topic) which is shown in activity section of BuddyPress appears very cluttered. Refer Image marked (Image - 2, marked with green)

The same does not look cluttered when I tried using using BBPress in my test site. Its very clean and easy to use. (Image - 1, marked with red)

I have shown the issue in detail with a hope that you'll please help me (also wpforo community) get clean Buddy Press activity.

Please Refer Image:

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BuddyPress strips all HTML tags and paragraphs from activity content by default. It seems bbPress has some function which doesn't allow BuddyPress to strip tags. wpForo also has a function for striping HTML tags. You can remove it by increasing the number of passed words. Just put this code in the active WordPress theme functions.php file and check it. You should check new activities not the old. Old activity content will not be changed.


function custom_wpforo_to_bp_activity_content_length( $length ){
return 1000;
add_filter('wpforo_activity_content_words', 'custom_wpforo_to_bp_activity_content_length');


If this doesn't help, then this is not wpForo issue. This is an extra feature of bbPress. So you see the default view with wpForo.