If I want to edit my user profile I get html brackets in fields like my picture shows. It seems to be a debuging modus.
I use wpforo 1.6.5 with an actual wp.
Maybe someone could help me!?!
" name="member[user_email]" id="member_user_email" class="" placeholder="E-Mail" required="required" autocomplete="off" />
Hi @user_tom,
Please edit this user in Dashboard > Users admin page, check the email field, make sure it's a correct email, then save it. Then go to Forum front-end > profile > Account of that user and check it.
And please leave some URL to allow us check it.
Hi Robert,
I checked the email address in the backend of wp and in the forum, again. But it seems all to be ok - email address ist ok and the format of all things looks good.
The problem have all forumusers, that want to edit their profile from the tool of the forum. Like my picture shows, the email field and below is pre-filled with html code. Maybe it depends of my german version of the form?!?
tnx so far
ok - I checked again and in fact, the main problem seems to be the plugin Cryptex. It works, if I disable the plugin.
But what can i do, to protect the email address agains spammer and use the possibility for forum user for editing their profile?