When an author posts a thread, they get an email every time there is a new reply.Β
Is it possible to make it so, they get one email, saying there is a reply, and when the user comes to the thread it will take them to the first unread post. Rather than sending an email for every comment and spamming people inboxes.
I think you should tag your topic with "feature request", I think it's important that there is an account function, like there is for subscriptions, for members to opt in/out to quote/reply/mention emails. I think this great new widget and menu bar notifier will get the job done for most members.
As matters stand now I have been inundated with complaints about the volume of email so in the interim I have commented out the mentioning email function in hooks.
The topic subscription rules have not changed. If user don't want to get emails he/she should not subscribe to own topic. The current issue you've faced is in the @nicename mentioning of topic author, when people click on reply button it automatically adds the @nickname to the reply content, so the topic author is being mentioned and getting email notification every time even if he/she is not subscribed to the topic.
Your suggested solution is very hard to implement. We have to create an email collecting and periodical email sending functions based on cron-job. This could be added in major versions. The solutions we can offer in near future updates are these:
- Add option "Mute email notifications on mentioning me" for each user to allow them to control it. This option can be added either in "My Profile" page or in the "My Profile" widget.
- Option in backend to disable automatic adding of @nickname in reply editor
- Option to disable email notification through @nickname mentioning in own topics, allow only subscription emails. If I subscribed to my topic then I want to receive emails, if I'm not then don't send emails even if I've been mentioned in my topic. This option will not cover @necjname mentioning in others topics.
Ahhh! A way to ban members from their profile! Its a pain having to go through the back end.Β